The 17-year-old Manu Bhaker, the shooting sensation of India secured the quota for 2010 Tokyo Olympics with a fourth-place finish in the women’s 10m air pistol event of the ISSF World Cup on Wednesday. She shot a score of 201.0 in the final, missing out the medal spot...
Rahi Sarnobat was beaming with a simple smile, as the whole world congratulated her for clinching the gold in the 25m pistol event at the ISSF World Cup 2019 in Munich, adding a third gold to India’s medal tally. Meanwhile, on Monday, Saurabh Chaudhary- India’s...
Neymar has been stripped of the Brazil captaincy for the Copa America 2019 which begins next month and will be replaced by his PSG teammate Dani Alves. “Daniel Alves will be captain of the Brazilian National Team in the friendly matches against Qatar and Honduras and...
Having won the hardest race of his life, Mercedes’ British driver Lewis Hamilton dedicated his victory to Mercedes team’s late Formula 1 Legend Niki Lauda. He wore a helmet designed in Lauda’s signature colors he and claimed to have been possessed by the late...
The International Cricket Council (ICC), in a statement released, claimed that more than one lakh tickets for the 2019 World Cup have been bought by women and over two lakh people will come to come to watch the vent for the first time. Tournament director Steve...