India shooting ace Apurvi Chandela achieved a new milestone in her career on Wednesday as she became the World No 1in women’s 10m air rifle event according to the latest ranking released by International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF). The decorated Indian shooter...
India’s Saina Nehwal suffered a shocking first-round loss to World No 212 Wang Zhyi of China 16-21 23-21 4-21 in the women’s singles match which lasted one hour and seven minutes on Wednesday. The 29-year-old Olympic Bronze medalist and world number nine trailed 0-4...
Cardiff to argue that Emiliano Sala’s move from Nantes was invalid when the club responds to a complaint about their refusal to pay Ligue 1 outfit his £15 million transfer fee. Emiliano Sala died in a plane crash in the English Channel on January Twenty-first; just...
Mercedes expects Ferrari to bounce back after a disappointing season opener at this weekend’s Bahrain Grand Prix. Speaking ahead of the opener, Mercedes boss Toto Wolf says,” We have seen the potential of Ferrari’s package in Barcelona; we expect them to come back...
Qai Qai, the doll of Serena Williams’s daughter Olympia Ohanian, 1, is an Instagram hit and already amassed 89,200 followers. Her coverage of the Australian Open from the prime position at Rod Laver Arena is growing in popularity. Serena’s daughter is no stranger to...