Online poker has become popular as a substitute for live poker, just like traditional poker. Poker gamers don’t have to worry about the platform because there are several well-known poker apps accessible for iOS and Android.

Due to in-depth marketing and the speedy growth of online gaming, poker has become a popular game among a massive section of the population. It is considered a game of chance in many countries. However, many think poker is a game of skill, even though the outcome is unpredictable.

No doubt, poker is one of the most favored card games worldwide. But how do you master this game? Learning from books regarding poker strategy is one of the many ways to become more proficient in playing the game of poker. But whom to read? Read David Sklansky’s—professional poker players and an author. David Sklansky won the World Series of Poker bracelet thrice. He also gave a mathematical approach to winning this game.

What now? Are you intrigued enough to know more about this man? All right then, let’s explore him more.

Who Is David Sklansky, And How Did He Make A Difference In The Poker World?

David Sklansky’s Fundamental Theorem of Poker offers information on the worth of lying, bluffing, and positional value.

Sklansky’s book covers everything from the fundamentals of poker to sophisticated techniques to assisting intermediate and seasoned players in learning new information. The ultimate goal of his theory is to provide confidence in making a well-calculated decision while the player is under pressure.

The theorem is written in a common language and is easy to understand for beginners. However, each theory consists of many mathematical reasoning. So, if you are playing poker and want to win, start loving mathematics because Sklansky used a mathematical approach to explain his theory.

What’s the Most Crucial Thing In Sklansky’s theory?

Let’s quote Sklansky here. In his book on theorem, he said,

“Every time you play a hand differently from the way you would have played it if you could see all your opponent’s cards, they gain, and every time you play your hand the same way you would have played it if you could see all their cards, they lose.”

Therefore, we can say, that Sklansky’s theory always insists on the next move instead of thinking about what the players will do in a stressful situation. But the poker players can’t see everyone’s card, so how will they make a well-calculated decision?

According to Sklansky, you cannot make critical judgments based solely on your hand and the cards on the table. Instead, you must use your resources to “see” the cards without seeing them.

According to the fundamental theorem of poker, if you want to be a successful poker player, you must train your hands so they can read and analyze the opponent’s past performances. The below general techniques are beneficial for poker games. So, let’s have a look at them:

  1. Players will gamble if they believe that they have the best hand. So, it is better to play slowly.
  2. Poker players will play by the pot odds if they hold a draw hand.
  3. Poker players will fold if they have the poorest hand.

Are you still confused? Let’s explain with an example.

Understanding The Theorem With An Example

Ok, let’s now understand this theorem with an example. Suppose you are playing a two-player “$1/$2 NL” game where both of you have bet an amount of $200.

You have J J at hand, and your opponent has 9 8, whereas there are A J 2 on the board. You have the winning chance here, so you can’t fold. Thus, you either have to raise or call. So, what do you do?

Sklansky’s theory will tell you that you have the best chance to make a call here because your opponent is no doubt bluffing here, and if you raise, there isn’t any way that your opponent would respond to that and put more money in the pot. However, if you call, you give your opponent a chance to put more money in the pot while you gain through bluffing and deception. Thus, following this theory, you gain more from the call than from a raise.

But if your opponent is holding A 2, you must raise, and not bluff, because it is more likely this time your opponent will respond to that raise and invest more money while you gain it with the strong hands you have in your hand.

Thus, if you follow this theorem, remember one crucial thing—the exact two cards your opponent is holding. It will turn the entire match in your favor.

Also, remember, Sklansky’s theory directly applies to bluffs since they force opponents to fold better hands. Moreover, the theory also includes the concept of semi-bluffing and value betting.

Why Play Slow?

We advise you to play poker slowly and wisely. It will allow you to look for your opponent’s mistake. When your opponent commits mistakes, you become lucky because mistakes are psychological instability that causes further errors and is responsible for losing the game. There isn’t a perfect poker player who does not commit any errors. A poker player can’t avoid all mistakes. So, watch out for that and play slowly.

Is The Fundamental Poker Theorem Still Relevant?

Now, the question is, is the fundamental theorem of poker still relevant?

The answer is yes. It will always be the best theory of poker.

Sklansky always insists on following the process of optimal play, avoiding mistakes, and strategy consistency. Moreover, Sklansky’s observation doesn’t match others because his theorem is too accurate and well-justified. However, the fundamental theorem is immensely beneficial in the long run and shouldn’t necessarily be used for short-term financial gain.

If anyone thinks the fundamental theorem is insignificant or has limited usage, they will be making a massive mistake. The theorem is vast, and it is better to understand it slowly and thoroughly. Like other games, poker also does not have an entirely predictable ending. So, all poker players must test all strategies in a dry run before going live.

Can You Apply This Theory While Playing Online Poker Games?

Of course, you can. Sklansky’s theory applies not only to traditional poker but is also helpful for online poker. David Sklansky’s fundamental theorem allows poker players to know their opponents’ card counts, which helps them make smarter decisions and increase their winnings while playing at the table and through poker apps.

Like traditional poker, in online poker, if the player knows their opponent’s card, they can gain maximum profit. Thus, your success or failure will depend on how precisely you understand your opponents’ range.


So, David Sklansky’s fundamental theorem emphasizes an approach adaptable to unknown information about an opponent’s hand. Like poker, this book helps you to make sound decisions as you learn more about decision-making while knowing how to take a mathematical approach and sketch a poker strategy. Plenty of the best poker players around today will tell you how this book influenced their game. So, why not read this book and open your poker app to play a round or two? What’s the result? Did you win the match? Do tell us about it. We would love to hear from you.
