The Kho-Kho Federation of India (KKFI) launched an ambitious franchise-based league for the sport named Ultimate Kho-Kho on Tuesday in the presence of Honorable Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, Col Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore. Dabur India vice-chairman cooperates...
France World Cup-winner Kylian Mbappe has been often compared to Pele and recently the 78-year-old Brazilian told him that he believes Mbappe can emulate his own achievement of scoring 1000 career goals. While Pele claims to have netted over than 1000 goals in his...
MUMBAI: With Mumbai about to face Premier League’s Mad Titan Chennai, there is a need to make some necessary changes in the team form. Kieron Pollard is all out of form and looks like he’ll be replaced with Australian all-rounder Ben Cutting. Lasith...
Saurav Ghosal became the first male Indian Squash player to break into the top 10 of the men’s Professional Squash Association (PSA) world rankings for April which was released on Monday. Two Indian women squash players- Joshna Chinappa and Dipika Pallikal- had...
Olympic hero Abhinav Bindra has made his presence felt in the city of Pune by launching a state-of-the-art physiotherapy and rehabilitation center on Monday. The center which is named as Abhinav Bindra Targeting Performance (ABTP) will be a non-profit venture and will...
MANCHESTER UNITED: After delivering performances that concreted fans trust on Manchester United and also landed Solskjaer his permanent job in the club, the Red Devils will move to the next fixture to face the Wolves. On Saturday, Solskjaer began his permanent journey...