India Open tournament saw India’s ace players Kidambi Srikanth and Parupalli Kashyap sealing their spot in the semi-finals. In the quarter-finals at New Delhi, Srikanth defeated Sai Praneeth 21-23, 21-11, 21-19 and Kashyap won over Tzu Wei Wang of Taiwan 21-16, 21-11....
Manchester United have confirmed the appointment of the caretaker, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer as the club’s permanent manager on a 3-year contract. The Norwegian, 46 arrived at Old Trafford as the club’s caretaker boss in December following the dismissal of Jose Mourinho....
Perth has been chosen as the third city to host the inaugural ATP Cup in January 2020, and the unique mixed teams Hopman Cup in Perth will be axed after 31 years as reported by ABC on Thursday. Two other cities chosen were Sydney and Brisbane –have already been...
Spain’s Alvaro Morata scored double as they beat the highly defensive Malta side 2-0 on Tuesday to move top of Euro 2020 qualifying group with two wins out of two games. Assistant coach Robert Moreno was in charge in place of Luis Enrique who had to return home for...
Australian Graham Reid is identified by Hockey India to be the new chief coach of the men’s team, thus ending two-month hunt to fill in the position. Reid’s name was finalized in a meeting where the Federation officials along with the Indian Olympic Association...
India defeated the host Malaysia 4-2 to climb the second spot in the Sultan Azlan Shah Cup tournament on Tuesday. While Sumit Kumar (17th minute), Sumit Kumar junior(27th minute) and Mandeep Singh (58th minute) found the net for India, Razie Rahim(27th minute) and...